Home Games This Week

Neon Night at Friday's Basketball Games
This Friday is "Neon Night" at the home basketball games! Our JV and Varsity Basketball teams will play Gaston Christian School, with JV Boys at 4:00, Varsity Women at 5:30, and Varsity Men at 7:00. Students who wear neon attire will be admitted to the games for just $1 and will receive a free glow bracelet! Regular admission is $3 for JV and $5 for Varsity (free for kids 10 & under). GO LIONS!
Swim Team Pictures
Monday, January 23, 3:00pm, Simmons YMCA

Senior Information Due
Senior information forms for all winter senior athletes are due immediately. Forms were emailed to senior athletes and may be submitted via email or to the Athletic Office. Seniors can also choose to submit their information via Google Forms: https://goo.gl/forms/dPZQKtZezOaNbCmz2. Any seniors who were also recognized for a fall sport may choose to use the same information for winter recognition.
MS Softball Workouts

Spring Sports Informational Meeting
Our Spring Sports Informational Meeting will be held on Monday, January 30 at 6:30pm in Room 3012 (basement of the Education Building). We will discuss important information regarding spring sports at HGCS, including tryout dates, required paperwork, team expectations, etc. Please plan to attend this meeting if your child is interested in trying out for a spring sport at HGCS.
Winter Sports Senior Night
Winter Sports Senior Night will be held at the home basketball games on Tuesday, January 31. All winter senior athletes will be recognized between the Varsity Women's and Varsity Men's Basketball games, which begin at 5:30 and 7:00 respectively. Seniors and their parents will receive additional information and instructions regarding Senior Night via email.
Winter Sports Banquet
The Winter Sports Banquet for our Varsity teams will be held on Tuesday, February 21 at 6:30pm in Gyms A & B. All Varsity winter athletes and their parents are invited to attend. Dinner will be served and team awards will be announced at the banquet.
Off-Season Conditioning Workouts
The HGCS Athletic Department is offering off-season conditioning workouts for ALL athletes grades 6th-12th not involved in a winter/spring sport.
Coach Pondo has coordinated and led these workouts for the last ten years and is BFS certified. Workouts will start January 3, 2017, Monday through Thursday each week in the field house after school until 5:00p.m. The program he follows is the nationally recognized “Bigger, Faster, Stronger (BFS)” program. This program is used by most high schools and small colleges/universities in the country. It is a great program for ALL athletes in all sports. Athletes must have a current physical on file with Athletic Trainer in order to participate.
The off-season is the time for you to improve as an individual. It is our hope that ALL will take advantage of this program. This program is free of charge, convenient, and it WORKS!
Please contact Coach Pondo with any concerns or questions. Also, please see the attached information regarding instructions.
Click here for more information about off-season workouts: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZgpzQuYM69qUt7j7IsI1fZ_DCiHkagjWyzrrulhwK2k/edit?usp=sharing
Volunteers Needed for Winter Events
The HGCS Athletic Department and AAA Booster Club need the help of volunteers to assist in different areas (admissions table, concessions, etc.) at athletic events during the winter season. Please take a look at our HGCS Sign-Up Genius page and sign up to volunteer at HGCS events this winter!
Online Athletic Calendar
Beginning this school year, the Athletic Department will no longer use Schedule Star. We are currently transitioning to Google Calendar for our athletic schedule. This will allow our schedule to be more compatible with our school's academic calendar and website, and it will be more mobile-friendly for our students and parents. To access the athletic schedule, please visit the Athletics page of the school website and click on the "Athletics Calendar" link on the left side of the page. On this page, you will see the Athletic Events Calendar at the top. This calendar will show all sports teams, meetings, and Athletic Department events by default. To narrow this down to specific teams, click on the drop-down menu arrow in the top right corner of the calendar and check or uncheck whichever teams you prefer. Additionally, there is a Practice Calendar below the Athletic Events Calendar on the same page. This calendar will show scheduled practice times for all teams by default, but can also be narrowed down to specific teams. You can add either of these calendars from the website to your own personal calendar on your computer or mobile device by clicking "+GoogleCalendar" at the bottom of the calendar. You can view additional details about each game/event, such as start/end times, locations, dismissal times, etc., by clicking on the game/event title.Sign Up for Remind Notifications
Notifications about athletic event cancellations, changes, and reminders are sent out via text through Remind. You must sign up with Remind to receive these text notifications on your phone. To sign up with Remind, text @hgcslions to the number 81010.
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